What Causes Blurry Vision?

Source: pixabay.com

There are a wide variety of eyesight problems that perhaps a lot of people are experiencing differently. There is the case of cataract, dilated pupils, crossed eyes, color blindness, and many more. But what most people are sharing the same is the condition of having a blurry vision.

“As organisms age, all their biological systems should be expected to break down and fail with increasing regularity, and eyes are no exception,” wrote Jesse Marczyk, PhD. “So what might explain why human visual acuity appears so lackluster early in life (to the tune of over 20 percent of teenagers using corrective lenses)? There are a number of possible explanations we might entertain.”

Perhaps that is due to the unhealthy practices that a lot of people do daily. It might include the pressure of spending too much time on mobile devices and bright screens. Anyhow, let’s take a closer understanding of what causes blurry vision.

Factors That Cause Blurry Vision

Refractive Errors

Some refractive eye errors result in the condition, such as nearsightedness or the inability to see things from afar. There is also farsightedness, which is the opposite of the latter. Then, lastly, astigmatism, where there is an irregularity on the surface of the eye’s cornea. All of these conditions are not at all severe and can be easily corrected with the help of glasses and specific contact lenses. But note that it is essential to consult an eye care professional before using any type of correcting-contact lenses and eyeglasses. That is to prevent the condition from getting worse.

Source: pixabay.com

Eye Diseases

Some types of eye diseases may cause blurry vision. These include ocular migraine, dry eyes, eye floaters, macular degeneration, glaucoma, cataracts, and more. Any of these health conditions significantly contribute to the unclear vision. It is essential to consult a health professional about these specific cases to address the underlying issues that go along with it. Note that other factors can contribute to these eye diseases. So taking time in understanding all of them is as essential as well.

Change In prescription

As much as individuals desire to disregard the fact that drugs cannot affect their vision, well, it can. The individual who takes a drug prescription that suddenly changes the dosage or drug type is more likely to experience blurry vision. That is due to some of the medicine’s content that appears to stop the eye from producing water. The side effects of every drug vary, though. However, it is crucial to seek an eye expert when there is a sudden vision loss or change every time there is an instant replacement of medication.

Source: allaboutvision.com

Blood Sugar Is High

Having diabetes for an extended period can cause blurry vision. This particular condition is what we call diabetic retinopathy. It is the state where a high blood glucose level damages the eye cells and prevents the blood vessels from delivering enough oxygen to the veins of the eyes. Usually, there are no symptoms of eye protein leak that one can notice. However, the loss of nutrients to the part of the retina signals the body to form new weak blood vessels. That explains why diabetic individuals often suffer from eye swelling and bleeding inside the eye.


Consultant psychiatrist Raj Persaud, FRCPsych, also wrote, “In a high stakes situation, as when even small deviations in visual acuity can have catastrophic career consequences, such as being a pilot, it is possible that people with a background of anxiety or depression, get more worked up about their eyesight.”

There seems to be a connection between eye condition and mental health. Carol Look, LCSW, DCH, did a study answering the question, “Is it possible for a person with a vision problem to improve their eyesight by using Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)?” There were limitations to the study, nonetheless, her results reported that “nearly 75% of participants in this study indicated that an improvement occurred in their vision during and by the end of the study.”

Whatever the cause is, it is vital to ensure that the eye receives the right amount of balance. So if any way some of these causes seem to get worse seek an eye expert immediately.

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