It is not just you and me that spend a lot of time looking at the screen, such as on television, tablets, computers, and smartphones. Pretty much everybody is doing it regularly without noticing the danger of losing one’s vision. We know that it can significantly impact our health, but most of us tend to ignore the threat. According to Katherine Dahlsgaard, PhD, there is a mental health impact of excessive screen time, and she offers advice for setting limits. Model moderate screen use as a parent. Show your children, with your own behavior, how to live a rich, varied, and healthy life where all habits are practiced in moderation.
Reasonably, it is an opportunity for us to consider taking care of our eyesight.
The Importance Of Understanding
It is not enough that we only know the possible things that might happen if we continue making unhealthy habits that damage our eyes. A lot of us are well aware of that. However, not all people are open to the idea of taking care of their vision. That explains why some people still use their contact lenses for more than the required hours. Some individuals often use their smartphones late at night. Some are even spending too much time in front of the computer without taking breaks as well. You see, people are stubborn that they do not seem to care what could happen to their health until things are a bit too late. That is the reason why when they only have a limited time to save their eye health, they try to do everything no matter what. It is ironic because no one with better eyesight is working on a list of proper eye care. Well, I think they are too confident to believe that they will never lose or damage their vision even if they habitually work on their bad routines.

Sad Reality
Honestly, no one gets immediate dysfunctional eyes. It always takes a lot of time before something appears damaged. That gives people enough time to do whatever they want regardless of the harmful habit. Yes, if someone is spending time with his phone for more than ten hours a day and can screen time up to seven days a week within the span of three months, who would think that something terrible could happen? There is this people’s mentality that if they can maximize their eyesight usage without feeling pain, then things are still good. People believe that if something is not causing them unusual situations, there is nothing to worry about.
Another unfortunate reality this generation faces is the mental impact brought about by excessive screen time. “Children and adolescents who spent more time using screen media were lower in psychological well-being than low users. High users of screens were significantly more likely to display poor emotion regulation (not staying calm, arguing too much, being difficult to get along with), an inability to finish tasks, lower curiosity, and more difficulty making friends,” according to the research of Dr. Jean Twenge, PhD, and Dr. W. Keith Campbell, PhD.
Our eyes are sensitive; that is why it is essential to frequently consider taking a break from any digital use and activity. It will not hurt us if we lessen our screen time. It will not create a massive complication when we put our phones away for a couple of hours. It will not even make us suffer if we go to bed without checking our gadgets before going to sleep. You see, it all takes a change of habit to ensure our visions are in better health. We have to give our eyes a chance to move away from too much pressure and stress.

Keeping our eyes safe and healthy is something that we can always do. Expert Dr. Anthony Fallone expresses the link between eyes and a person’s personality. He says, “The eye is so closely linked neurologically to the brain that you might call it the only part of our brain you can see from the outside. It seems to hold vital clues to our brain function.” As long we know and value the importance of our eyesight, we can have time to spare it from damaging habits.